NEW Release!

This CD will be available on Jan, 1 2020.
Order now through Adrienne HERE
"Adrienne is the dream of a bard come true. Her songs are mythic, her voice a rolling river of light. She gets the cosmic joke and the stunning sorrow of this world in the same gorgeous breath"
- Mirabai Starr, Author. Speaker. "Wild Mercy" "Caravan of No Despair" "God of Love"
“Adrienne has a beautiful and unique voice that I have always enjoyed and admired, and it is the spirit she brings to the music and her wise demeanor that makes her songwriting so special"
- Jimmy la Fave - National Recording Artist
"These snazzy songs are a CELEBRATION of our life experience,
the good times and yes, even the hard times!"
- Adrienne Braswell
1st Track Sample - a tasty little morsel for you